*** Safety Occurrence Report ***

Make sure to refresh this web page before you fill out the report.

Sørg for at opdatere websiden, inden du udfylder hændelsen.

The connection to the server has timed out due to inactivity.
Please refresh the page to re-establish the connection.

If you've entered information in the fields that you haven't submitted,
please copy it, otherwise it will be lost during the refresh.

Der er ikke længere forbindelse til serveren grundet inaktivitet.
Genstart venligst siden for forbindelse.

Hvis du allerede har skrevet informationer i felterne som du ikke har sendt ind,
venligst kopier det skrevne, ellers vil det gå tabt under genstart.

Københavns Lufthavne A/S. Privatlivspolitik (link).
Copenhagen Airports A/S (CPH) process your personal information in accordance with our Privacy policy (link).

Note: Kun små bogstaver tilladte (Letters in lowercase only.)